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molluscalist - MOLLUSCA


WELCOME to the Mollusca-list email listserve!

This list is a group of over 600 scientists who share an interest in molluscs and malacology. It is a friendly forum for sharing professional information of interest, such as events and job openings, or asking for obscure advice. The list archive gives a good indication of the frequency (low) and topics (molluscs) of messages.

Scope of this list: Molluscs are one of the most diverse groups of invertebrate animals - both in form and habitat. They have figured prominently in paleobiological and biological studies, and have served as study organisms in numerous evolutionary, biomechanical, ecological, physiological, and behavioural studies. It is our intent to provide an informal and rapid response forum for discussions of molluscan evolution, palaeontology, taxonomy and natural history, and provide an interface between palaeontological and neonotological molluscan workers, and all mollusc groups. We will also post notices of meetings, symposia, literature, software and other real and virtual happenings that may be of interest to the malacological community.

This is the same Mollusca-list that was moderated by David Lindberg and hosted by University of California, Berkeley, from the 1980s until it moved to this DFN platform in 2020.

Julia Sigwart
Section Head (Mollusca)
Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt
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