E-mails have long since proven themselves as a fast and cost-effective information medium.
E-mail distributors use these advantages to stay in contact with a large number of recipients in a variety of ways.
DFN-Listserv manages e-mail distribution lists on behalf of the "Verein zur Förderung eines deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V." (DFN-Verein, Berlin).
Institutions that want to use DFN-Listserv must agree to the terms and conditions of the "DFN-Anwenderrahmenvertrag" and must be physically connected to the DFN (Deutsches Forschungsnetz - the German NREN). The fee for using DFN-List is already included in the fee for DFNInternet.
This server provides you access to your mailing list environment. Starting from this web page, you can perform subscription options, unsubscription, archive, list moderation, list configuration.
If you have any questions please write an e-mail to listmaster@listserv.dfn.de.
To create a new list, please login with your e-mail address and your DFN-Listserv password.
If you have not yet set a password, click on "First login" in the menu "Login" in the upper right corner and follow the instructions.
You will then see a "Request a list" tab that takes you to a form for creating a new list.
The list then only needs to be released by a listmaster.
The default value for the parameter "Reject automatically created mails (crontab, etc)?" has been set from "disabled" to "enabled". This prevents e.g. out of office messages from being sent via the mailing lists. This change applies to all lists for which this parameter is not explicitly set.
This parameter can be set on the "Sending/receiving setup" page.